Emotions are one of the components of our life. We are happy and sad, surprised and sometimes frowning in discontent. Feeling that women do this more often than men. The first mimic wrinkles appear, as a rule, due to the active work of the facial muscles. To stay in good shape, you need to take care of your skin. Do not stifle emotions, keep smiling widely, just do not forget about beauty recipes, which are not difficult to prepare at home. Let's consider the causes of the appearance of wrinkles and how to eliminate them. Home rejuvenation masks, lotions, massage techniques, the right products, all in order.
Why does skin age?
Stress, bad ecology, inadequate skin care - all this affects our appearance. If you want to reset the age counter, first of all, pay attention to your lifestyle, nutrition, psycho-emotional state. Unfortunately, aging is inevitable - this is how a person is made.
Collagenis a substance responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. At an early age, collagen fibers have a high density and absorption, like a sponge they absorb moisture and do not release it. Over the years, these fibers, responsible for our beauty, become thinner, the hydrobalance of the skin is altered, sagging and wrinkles appear.
But despite this, you can fool nature a bit, slow down the aging process, and sometimes turn back time. Cardinal changes in appearance are only possible through medical methods, plastic surgery, hardware, and injection techniques. It is expensive and it is not always good for your health. One of the professional advice of cosmetologists is timely skin care and a proper lifestyle.

What leads to skin aging:
- The enemy of your beauty and youth is smoke. Some of the signs are an earthy color, wrinkles around the eyes and in the nasolabial area.
- Next on the list is high-dose alcohol. The water exchange is disturbed in the skin, red streaks and spots appear. It destroys the liver, causes pathologies that not only cause aging, but are also life-threatening.
- Stress, overwork, increased mental excitability lead to the appearance of puffiness, circles and bruises under the eyes, loss of turgor.
- Prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunburns get old. Choose: a bronze tone or firm and elastic skin. UV rays absorb moisture, dry and thin the top layer.
- Wrong food. Sparkling fresh water, fried fatty foods, foods with colorants, preservatives, GMOs, chemical additives - these all cause flaking, acne, rashes, pigmentation.
Anti-aging nutrition
We are what we eat. This phrase has already spread throughout the world, increasing the number of followers of healthy eating. We can talk endlessly on the subject of proper nutrition. But the fact is, the food we eat affects our health and appearance. If you want to look beautiful and young, follow our advice:
- Beef, veal and red fish.These products contain a balanced protein that supports collagen fibers and normalizes the water balance. Red fish and beef contain zinc, useful for the skin, which prevents flaking, relieves and stops inflammation.
- Avocado, hazelnuts, canola oil.Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for the production of collagen. By including these healthy foods in your daily diet, the effect will not keep you waiting long. The skin will receive the hydration and nutrition necessary for its firmness and elasticity. The epidermis will become less susceptible to the effects of the external environment and the water balance will be restored.
Avocados and walnuts contain vitamins A and E, which fight aging and give skin a healthy color. Nuts and avocados can be added to salads, side dishes. Season vegetables with canola oil or take a teaspoon half an hour before meals.
- Gooseberries, oranges, sauerkraut, bell peppers. These products contain a record amount of vitamin C, one of whose beneficial beauty functions is to aid in the production of collagen and strengthen the structure of blood vessels. Supplement your diet with vegetables and fruits. Therefore, cabbage, combined with beef, improves the absorption of proteins by the body, intensely nourishing collagen fibers. The skin regains its former shine and elasticity. Add berries and fruits to desserts. For a daily dose, a handful of black currants and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice are enough.
- Spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lettuce.Dark green vegetables contain beta-carotene which, when ingested, turns into vitamin A, responsible for the regeneration of skin cells. The skin is nourished, flakes, allergic rashes disappear. These products can be eaten together or separately, added to salads and as a complement to lunch or dinner.
- Sunflower, linseed, grape, olive oil.These vegetable oils contain large amounts of vitamins E and A, whose benefits we discussed earlier. Unique rejuvenating effect: maintenance of turgor, restoration of hydrobalance, elimination of inflammation, flaking. Season salads with a few drops of lemon juice, use in marinades for meat and fish. Tasty, simple and healthy.

Ways to rejuvenate facial skin at home
You can look beautiful and young without expensive procedures, weekly visits to beauty salons. You can also keep your skin toned on your own. The main thing is to love yourself and not spend time on beauty sessions at home. We present you 4 effective ways:
- Peels, masks, scrubs.Peelings and exfoliants cleanse the skin, remove excess sebum, comedones, dead particles of the epidermis, prepare the surface for subsequent procedures. The masks nourish and hydrate well and are applied to clean, prepared skin. All formulations can be prepared with your own hands from common products. For peels and scrubs: coffee grounds, sugar, crushed fruit seeds. Ideal ingredients for masks are sour cream, strawberry, cucumber, honey.
- Ice cubes.Closes pores, stimulates blood circulation, relieves puffiness, eliminates morning bruises under the eyes. Cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure immediately after sleeping. Prepare the skin well for makeup application.
- Refreshing herbal compresses.Makes skin fresh, glowing, moisturized and relieves puffiness. Apply to the face rubbed with lotion or toner. The broth should cool, ideally from the refrigerator.
- Facial massage.A special technique normalizes blood circulation, tightens the contours according to the lifting principle, restores turgor. Allows you to remove age spots, smooth wrinkles in the nasolabial area.

Facial massage to rejuvenate at home
We tell you step by step how to do a rejuvenating massage without the help of a beauty specialist.
Step 1.We start with the eyebrows. Using two fingers, thumb and index finger, in a circular motion with a small amplitude, massage the line of the forehead towards the temples. 10 times will be enough. Important: to relax your muscles, it is better to close your eyes.
Step 2.To smooth out small wrinkles with your index finger, draw along the upper eyelid, from the inside corner to the outside and along the bottom, to the nose. So 8-10 times.
Step 3.We work with the nasolabial area: with supportive movements we draw lines from the tip of the nose to the lips and to the sides, towards the earlobe. Two to three minutes.
Step 4.Use your fingertips to touch the code, starting from the front area and ending with the chin. This technique restores blood circulation.
Step 5.The final step is to stroke the chin and cheeks. The movements should be slow and smooth, in the direction, from the nose to the edges.
Before starting a massage, ventilate the area well. An important component is a calm and relaxing environment. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
Traditional beauty recipes
You can find a complete set of ingredients to make a mask to rejuvenate your face at home in your refrigerator. In order not to miss the proportions and to know exactly which component is responsible for what, we present you detailed recipes:

- Mask with cucumber and almond milk.We make a mixture of a tablespoon of concentrated almond milk, a fresh cucumber grated on a fine grater, three tablespoons of oats, ground in a blender. Mix everything well, let it rest for 10 minutes. Apply to clean skin for 15 minutes. We wash with water.
- Herbal bath.For the broth you need a mixture of herbs: linden, colt's foot, chamomile, birch leaves. Fill the herbs with boiling water, leave them for 20-25 minutes, then let them cool. Mix with herbal tea, half a glass of almond milk and half a teaspoon of tea tree oil. We clean the face with a cotton ball twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.
- A bran decoction bath.Grind the bran in blenders, fill with water and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and let it rest for 5-7 minutes. Then we toss the bran into a strainer, pour the liquid into a separate container and let it cool. Cleanse your skin before going to bed.
- Mask based on almond oil.It is not necessary to mix the oil with anything. The secret of the mask is to beat the oils with a mixer (for oxygenation). Apply oil in a thin layer, do not rinse. Keep until completely absorbed.
- Sage and lavender balm.Take 50 grams of lavender and the same amount of sage, pour dry wine and leave to infuse for two weeks. Then we use the liquid as a facial toner, after washing, before applying the cream.