Already after the age of 30 the skin starts to lose hyaluronic acid and, with it, the water. Reduces the content in the skin collagen and elastin. The skin becomes dry and less elastic, and then it shows the wrinkles. What to do, how to regain the youthfulness of your skin? The specialists of the salon car and what treatments work best with one woman or another.
How to rejuvenate the skin of the face
The rejuvenation of the face can be achieved through various methods. All can be divided into three groups:
- health methods
- beauty treatments,
- the techniques of plastic surgery.
General well-being following techniques:
- a proper diet,
- a healthy lifestyle,
- the practice of sports, the lack of harmful habits.
And that must begin the rejuvenation of the face.
The peak of the craze in plastic surgery of the face has gone: all in the eyes of the results of failed operations of famous people. Today in boom therapeutic esthetician, and the entry into it of the methodology have a significant impact on the skin without surgery. Such techniques include massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalizatsiya, introduction of injection of the botulinum toxin, masonite, plastic mask, facial peeling.
Peel – simple, but effective, a rejuvenating procedure
In beauty salon apply to all kinds of peel and pass the polishing of the skin, which remove the superficial layers of the skin, stimulating your update. Up-to-date the thin skin overlap the face masks and creams, which are rapidly absorbed and exert the decisive action.
Today in the beauty salons often use the chemical peel. Is carried out with the help of media, which include the organic acids. For surface water types of chemical peels are used organic acids of the fruit. Deeper exfoliation can be achieved through phenol.
If applied properly, chemical peeling stimulates the regeneration of the skin becomes younger and radiant, to solve problems like dryness, fine wrinkles, spots and scars. After a deep exfoliation of the skin is covered with cortex, which can not be deleted. After removal of the crust leather at some point in time it recovers and then becomes young and radiant.
Rejuvenation of the face with the help of mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a treatment of the skin with the help of microinjections. The injections do sunken very fine needles. Esthetician examines carefully the condition of the skin and only after this assigns the injection of the restoration of the skin of cocktails. In the composition of the cocktails, which include vitamins, minerals, and other biologically active substances, which activate the processes of change and return the skin to its youth.
The procedure of mesotherapy once a week. In the course of treatment is enough 8 – 15 procedures depends on the initial state of the skin. The effect of mesotherapy stable, the length of time depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.
SPRS-therapy is a modern hotel with a high degree of efficiency of a method of rejuvenation of the face. And is that the woman makes the extraction of skin cells, which highlights the fibroblasts and cultured in the laboratory. Fibroblasts are skin cells that produce necessary substances such as hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.
The cultured fibroblasts by using micro-injections are injected into the skin in the problem areas of the person. Live on the skin, the fibroblasts, stimulate the production of new fibroblasts, rejuvenates therefore the skin. The procedure is not easy, but worth, the rejuvenation of the skin of the face after two procedures last for more than two years.
Biorevitalizatsiya is an effective method to return the youth
Biorevitalizatsiya is one of the forms of mesotherapy, that in the skin instead of cocktails, introduced the preparations of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, which attracts water, making the skin becomes more firm, elastic and rejuvenated, literally in the eyes.
Hyaluronic acid is injected in the form of microinjections, falling in the skin that does not only attracts water, but which stimulates the synthesis of the cells of the skin's own hyaluronic acid. The method is very effective. To revitalize the skin and eliminate small wrinkles, superficial enough sometimes two procedures a week of a break. Maintenance treatment is done once every three months.
Masonite may substitute circular wash face
In this method, special threads, soaked biologically active substance, which is introduced into the soft tissues of the face. Thread support the fabric and by the type of mesotherapy, stimulate the production of substances that ensure the rejuvenation of the skin. An effective method, the good state of the skin of the face is maintained up to two years.
Plastic mask of the person
Plastic mask of the person is performed in the omission of the soft tissues of the face caused by age. In the places where it has significantly decreased the volume of the soft tissues, by means of injections are injected hyaluronic acid, restoring as well, floating the outline of the face.
Techniques of facial rejuvenation a lot. What method or several methods of choosing, can advise doctor-beautician on the basis of the inspection and study of the state of the skin of the patient.