Fractional laser resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure during which facial skin is exposed to micro laser rays; This is called fractional laser resurfacing. The objective of manipulation is to activate the processes of regeneration and collagen production at the cellular level. The second name of the procedure is photothermolysis. The duration of the session is short and the resulting effect lasts up to 5 years! The procedure has a minimal list of contraindications and a low probability of complications and side effects. In the clinic, photothermolysis is carried out only after consultation with a specialist!
What is fractional laser photothermolysis?
The essence of the photothermolysis procedure is that a laser beam, penetrating through a fractional network, is "split" into many microbeams - a specific effect is exerted on the skin. Damaged lesions form in all layers of the dermis, which stimulates regeneration processes in the surrounding tissues. The cells begin to divide rapidly and fill in the "burned" areas.
The superficial layer of the dermis, under the influence of laser microbeams, radically eliminates or lightens age spots, smoothes wrinkles and reduces the severity of scars.
According to the results of clinical studies, the procedure in question gives identical results to classic laser resurfacing. But photothermolysis does not require the use of general anesthesia and subsequent long-term rehabilitation.
Types of fractional photothermolysis.
In a cosmetology clinic, the photothermolysis procedure is carried out using different methods. Each of them has its own advantages, but the choice is made by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. It is important to take into account the initial condition of the skin, the type of dermis, the person's age, the level of sensitivity of the epidermis, existing dermatological problems and the severity of the signs of aging.
Non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing
This method is especially effective in removing acne marks, acne, stretch marks and rejuvenating the face, neck and eyelids. During non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing, the skin is not exposed to powerful effects and is moderately damaged, allowing the procedure to be performed to lift and improve the appearance of the epidermis.
A distinctive feature of non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing is its long-term action:
- acne treatment gives results after only 4 sessions, they improve in another 24 months;
- By removing stretch marks, not just the real ones.stretch marks become minimally noticeable or disappear completely, but the skin around them becomes firm and elastic after 1 to 2 months;
- after 5 sessions the wrinkles disappear, and the smoothing of deep wrinkles occurs for another 3 months after the end of the course.
The likelihood of side effects after performing the procedure in question using a non-ablative method is low: this is recorded in only 5% of all patients.
Ablative fractional photothermolysis
This involves the penetration of laser microbeams to a certain depth of the dermis, where under their influence the process of protein folding with their subsequent destruction begins. Within 3 months after ablative fractional photothermolysis, collagen forms in the damaged areas. This method is especially effective when it is necessary to eliminate deep age wrinkles, soften scars and scars, increase skin elasticity and excessive pigmentation.
Ablative fractional photothermolysis is the use of long laser beams that can penetrate the deeper layers of the dermis.
A distinctive feature of the considered method is that patients experience pain during the procedure and after its completion. But if we compare the ablative method with others, it is considered the most effective and safe.
CO2 laser method
This involves the use of a CO2 laser of a certain length and power: the beam is capable of eliminating only those epidermal cells that were initially damaged. In tissues, under the influence of rays, biological fluids begin to heat up: they evaporate, which leads to the disintegration of some structures, although healthy cells remain unchanged.
Damaged areas are actively restored due to the division of surrounding cells.
POINT method
With the help of special equipment, thermal microtrauma of the dermis is caused, which ensures the activation of collagen and elastin production processes by skin cells. The surrounding tissues are not injured, so the rehabilitation period is reduced.
The peculiarity of fractional DOT laser rejuvenation is that the first results are obtained 5-7 days after the procedure. They improve in another 2-3 months and persist for a long period.
The choice of method depends largely on the age of the patient; For example, non-ablative fractional rejuvenation is recommended between the ages of 35 and 40, when age-related changes in the face are still mild. But with premature aging, the procedure ceases to be practical, so the doctor will recommend other methods.
Indications for fractional laser resurfacing.
The photothermolysis procedure has clear indications for:
- couperose– spider veins, spider veins, which began to appear after 35 years and this is associated with age-related changes in the body, and not with vascular diseases;
- Sagging skin– visible sagging, the face "slides" down, double chins form;
- Wrinkles– small facial expressions, including "crow's feet" (in the outer corners of the eyes), deep (nasolabial) folds and folds, muslin around the mouth;
- Excessive production of sebaceous secretions.– may be associated with oily skin type, hormonal disorders;
- Dilated pores– visually identified, periodically clogged with sebum and causing the appearance of profuse acne;
- Presence of excessive pigmentation.– regardless of its origin (hereditary predisposition, alteration of melanin production, skin aging);
- Presence of scars, scars, stretch marks, acne marks.– no matter how long ago they were formed;
- Changes in complexion– there is no natural blush, the tone becomes dull, acquires a grayish and yellowish tint.
Fractional laser resurfacing can also be used as a prevention of age-related facial changes if the patient has a hereditary predisposition to premature aging.
Contraindications for the rejuvenation procedure
Since the laser beam acts at the cellular level, the procedure has clear contraindications. Unconditional restrictions include:
- Neurological pathologiesaccompanied by convulsive syndrome (epilepsy of any origin and severity);
- Autoimmune diseasesoccurring at any stage;
- Diabetes, regardless of the type, severity and existing complications;
- Oncological pathologies– a malignant neoplasm can be located in any organ;
- Chronic internal diseases.who are in the stage of decompensation;
- Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.;
- HIV and hepatitis B, C;
- Psoriasis;
- Warts, multiple papillomas, large warts in areas exposed to the laser beam..
It is worth postponing the procedure if:
- Long-term treatment of antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
- Increased body temperature;
- Menses;
- Pregnancy and during lactation;
- Infectious processes located in the facial area;
- Focal inflammation of the skin in the areas where the procedure is intended to be performed.
The listed conditions are conditional contraindications: the patient will need to undergo full treatment, restore the level of immunity and, only with the permission of the treating doctor, start fractional laser rejuvenation.
Preparation for the procedure
It all starts with a consultation with a cosmetologist. In the clinic, a specialist will examine the patient, identify existing problems and collect a history to exclude contraindications. During the consultation, the doctor will immediately determine the amount of work, the number of sessions, the depth and time of exposure to microrays. Laboratory blood tests may be needed. The patient will receive recommendations on behavior in the preparatory period:
- Stop taking medications from the categories of fluoroquinolones, sulfamamides, tetracyclines.(Be sure to check with your doctor! );
- For 10 days before the appointed date, do not visit the solarium, do not sunbathe in the sun's rays, do not do chemical peels.;
- 3 days before the session do not visit baths, saunas or take hot baths.,refuse to use cosmetics containing alcohol;
- 24 hours before the procedure, avoid cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea, and physical activity.AND.
If necessary, the cosmetologist can prescribe a short treatment with antibacterial and/or antiviral medications, which will serve to prevent complications during the rehabilitation period.
Facial photothermolysis procedure.
In the clinic, fractional laser facial rejuvenation is performed on an outpatient basis: the patient does not require hospitalization. The duration of the procedure ranges between 30 and 60 minutes and depends on the volume of the area to be treated with rays. The manipulation is carried out according to a strict protocol:
- skin cleansingfrom traces of decorative cosmetics and skin care, dust, dirt and sebaceous secretions. To do this, the doctor uses professional cosmetic products that do not contain ethanol.
- Apply anesthetic gel to the skin.– is absorbed in 3-5 minutes. Anesthesia is performed at the patient's request and depends on the level of sensitivity of the epidermis and the pain threshold.
- Treat the skin with a special ointment., which makes it easier to slide the nozzle. It does not contain dyes, fragrances, flavors or any other substance that could cause an allergic reaction.
- Work with the selected attachment– the patient does not feel significant pain, there may be slight discomfort. During the procedure, the face is exposed to a stream of cold air, which significantly reduces the severity of discomfort.
After finishing the skin treatment, the doctor removes the remaining ointment for better contact of the hardware accessory with the epidermis and applies a product to the face that has soothing, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties; This will speed up the recovery process.
Procedure results
Immediately after the session, it will not be possible to evaluate the effectiveness: the face will be red and swollen. The first results will appear no earlier than 5-7 days:
- the color of the epidermis becomes even;
- pigment spots become less noticeable or disappear completely;
- increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin– it is felt when touched;
- facial relief is evened out– The "tubers", the "holes", the "furrows" disappear.
Regeneration, active production of collagen and elastin continue for another 2-3 months after the end of the multi-session course: the tone and structure of the skin improves, the epidermis is tightened, all fine wrinkles disappear, and deep folds disappear. of age become minimal. perceptible. Within 3 months after the procedure, scars, scars, stretch marks and acne marks become invisible.
How many sessions are needed to achieve the rejuvenation effect?
StandardIt is recommended to carry out a course of 5-8 procedures.Fractional laser resurfacing. Each session takes place 4 weeks after the previous one. In this case, it is possible to achieve sustainable results that last between 1 and 1. 5 years.
The clinic prefers to prescribe the duration of treatment individually. Only a doctor who examines the patient and evaluates the initial condition of the skin can determine the convenience of carrying out a full cycle or reducing it to 3 sessions. The reaction of the body, the human dermis, to exposure to a laser beam also plays an important role.
Care and rehabilitation after the procedure.
The speed of skin restoration after a fractional laser rejuvenation session depends on how strictly the patient follows the doctor's recommendations:
- During the first week, do not heat your face.. You should give up a hot bath, visit a bathhouse and sauna and take a hot shower. Nowadays you can only wash your face with water at room temperature, but it is better to abandon this method of cleansing the dermis and use mild tonics.
- For a month and a half, do not visit the solarium and do not expose your facial skin to ultraviolet rays (sun rays).. When you go out, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high level of SPF filters to your face. The rule applies even when being outdoors in cloudy weather: UV light can penetrate through dense clouds.
- For 10 days, apply moisturizing creams to previously cleansed facial skin at least 2 or 3 times a day.. It is strictly prohibited to allow the epidermis to dry out, as this will lead to increased peeling and severe irritation.
- Use masks with panthenol every day for 7 days. . This will help quickly restore the epidermis and avoid complications. If the patient is allergic to the specified substance, the doctor will select another product with identical properties.
- Forcibly removing scabs is strictly prohibited.! They must exfoliate on their own, so in the first 2 weeks you cannot use scrubs for cleansing (not even the softest and most delicate ones).
You should be prepared for the fact that in the first 3-5 days after the fractional laser resurfacing procedure you may experience pain, burning and itching on the face. This is a normal reaction, to alleviate the condition you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, classic analgesics and antihistamines, only as prescribed by a beautician!
Side effects and complications.
Unpleasant consequences are not characteristic of fractional laser resurfacing. But in some cases side effects and complications may appear:
- redness and swelling of the skin– are considered a normal reaction of the body to the heating of the dermal cells and disappear on their own between day 3 and 5 of the recovery period;
- peeling and excessive dryness– this is how the cells of the epidermis are renewed, so the process can be considered natural, the condition can be alleviated and recovery accelerated by correctly carrying out skin care manipulations (massive daily application of moisturizing cream);
- increased pigmentation– possible only in the absence of protection from ultraviolet rays during the rehabilitation period (this also applies if the ban on visiting the solarium is ignored);
- inflammatory process in the superficial layer of the epidermis– develops when antiseptic rules are violated or due to lack of proper cleaning during rehabilitation.
Keloid scars are formed only if a predisposition to such formations was not identified at the initial consultation or if the patient forcibly removed the scabs.
Frequently asked questions
There are many questions from patients about the procedure in question. Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
What does a fractional laser do?
Microrays rejuvenate, eliminate age spots, scars, stretch marks, acne marks. The fractional laser accelerates the regeneration of dermal cells and activates the production of collagen and elastin. It can be used as an additional therapy for excessive production of sebaceous secretions, excessive acne and enlarged pores.
How long does laser facial rejuvenation last?
Final results appear 3 months after the procedure and last 24 months. But a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body: the cycle of sessions may need to be repeated after 1 year.
When is the best time to perform fractional laser facial rejuvenation?
Cosmetologists recommend carrying out treatment in autumn, winter and early spring. During these periods, the intensity of ultraviolet rays is reduced, eliminating the risk of developing excessive pigmentation as a complication.
What is better Botox or laser resurfacing?
These are completely different procedures! Botox is very effective and provides a quick visual effect, but fractional laser rejuvenation is a safer and absolutely harmless procedure.
How long does it take for a face to heal after laser?
In 2 or 3 days the skin will turn red, and in 3 or 4 days it will begin to actively peel off. Complete visual recovery occurs 7-9 days after the session and healing of all layers of the dermis occurs after 2-4 weeks.
Opinions on fractional laser rejuvenation.
Most patients leave positive reviews about the procedure; This is a fact. But it is possible to obtain the desired results and avoid complications only if fractional laser rejuvenation is performed at a professional level and the patient strictly follows all the doctor's recommendations/prescriptions.
The professional clinic has specialists who have sufficient experience and knowledge to perform fractional laser rejuvenation procedures using different methods. They provide a comprehensive service to each patient, from the initial consultation and determination of the feasibility of manipulation to support during the recovery period. This rejuvenation has a positive effect not only on a person's appearance, but also on his psycho-emotional state: seeing a beautiful, young and flawless face in the mirror is worth a lot and always gives a good mood and self-confidence.